Wednesday 28 April 2010

Here we are at the beginning...

This is me, wearing the first hat I ever knitted. My own design, too. (When I say 'design' I do of course mean 'look ma no hands') My first hat goes well with my first post on my knitting blog. My better half, Mr. Lunar Capricorn, put his foot down and refused to be seen in public with me when I was wearing this astounding creation, but I feel confident that he'll be more supportive of this particular project. Especially now that I've mastered more stitches than just garter stitch and have stopped threatening to knit him a gansey. I have heard rumours of the dreaded Jumper Curse, and I have shuddered.

I'm a Lunar Capricorn, hence the title of my blog. Tadaah! Capricorn, sign of all things traditional and dare I say it, drab, rules my natal moon. Hence I have an instinctive need to count my money, mow my lawn, starch my curtains and perhaps fantasize about being named Administrator of the Galaxy whenever things don't go my way, which is most of the time. Unhappily, I don't really have any money that needs counting, my lawn has died and my curtains are beyond starching. Also, the post of Administrator of the Galaxy won't be vacant for a long time yet, as I've heard. (They said they'd call me). So I took up knitting instead. Now I can take pride in my slow, torturous ascent on the learning curve and wallow in the title of Administrator of My Own Galaxy of... yarn.

It's therapeutic, in a word. There's a recession on? Knit two. No proper jobs to be had ever again? Purl one. Going to live off beans on toast for the next decade? Yarn over, knit two together. A small mountain of bills coming your way? Knit four, slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over, then discover you made a mistake sixty rows down, go 'AAAAAARGH', rip the whole thing and start again - and then lean back and go 'behold, I have created order from chaos, at least where my knitting is concerned'. Ahh.

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